Metaverse-Based STEM Education for a Sustainable and

Resilient Future


Today’s students are different from students of the past because of their ability to use technology and therefore have different learning processes and goals. This requires different teaching approaches. VR classrooms, designed with the teacher and students in mind and with attention to the learning content, offer a unique opportunity for teaching STEM subjects. In MSTEM VR pedagogy, teachers have an important role as mediators of digital learning experiences. While the resources available for teachers and students are of high quality, it is critical to evaluate them for curricular relevance, effectiveness, and appropriateness for classroom conditions. Therefore, teachers are an indispensable part of MSTEM pedagogy.

Project Objectives:

  • Develop and implement a novel education package that incorporates the use of Metaverse technology in STEM education.
  • Train teachers on the use of Metaverse technology and its integration into STEM education.
  • Improve student achievement in STEM subjects through the use of Metaverse technology.
  • Increase the number of students pursuing STEM careers as a result of their experience with Metaverse technology in education.

Project Result from Work Package

Two Mobility of pupils

A Transnational Project Meeting

A Virtual Evaluation Meeting.Two Mobility of pupils

A VR App (Metaverse Simulation).

A Staff training.

Seven e-news letters.

Seven National-wide virtual seminars/webinars

An international virtual webinar for STEM teachers

Project Partners:

Lycée polyvalent Clément Ader

Agrupamento De Escolas De Barcelos (PT)

Malmö stad, Digitaliseringsenheten (SE)

Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean Teleorman (RO)

VAEV Research and Development Agency GmbH (AT)

Avrasya Enstitüsü Araştırma ve Geliştirme Limited Şirketi (TR)

Colegio Séneca S.C.A. (ES)

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