#AdUp: Upskilling Adult Education Multiplier Events


#AdUp: Upskilling Adult Education Multiplier Events

We have completed the Multiplier Events of the “#AdUp: Upskilling Adult Education” project, which was attended by different groups of interested participants. VAEV carried out four different events, the two biggest ones on the 10 and the 22 of February 2023.
Participants had the opportunity to learn and enrol in the MOOC, one of the main project outputs of the project.
Our colleagues Marco and Khalil led the sessions in a friendly and constructive atmosphere.
We would like to thank all participants for this successful and fun event.

Have a look at the AdUp project: https://adup.aprc.lt/
MOOC in English: https://erasmusmoocs.thinkific.com/courses/adup
German MOOC: https://erasmusmoocs.thinkific.com/courses/adup-upskilling-adult-educators-german




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