VIPvalues+: ICT Skills for peace projects


VIPvalues+: ICT Skills for peace projects



Training contents and methods that use ICT for the promotion of Peace and the inclusion of young people in situations of disadvantage, especially focused on Migrants and Refugees. VIPvalues+ will allow young people to acquire skills and tools to develop projects aimed at fostering peace and fighting social and digital exclusion.


“VIPvalues +: ICT Skills for Peace projects” is co- founded by the European Commission under the Erasmus + Program. Fundación Cibervoluntarios coordinates this new initiative alongside with partners from Italy, Cyprus, Spain Austria and Belgium. The main objective of VIPvalues + is to create an ICT skills for a peace projects platform with two main lines of action: Training contents and methods that use ICT for the promotion of Peace and the inclusion of young people in situations of disadvantage, especially focused on Migrants and Refugees, and on the other hand, showcasing projects created by youth through this platform.


With this project the aim is to exchange good practices and the tangible results obtained in the previous project, in order to create an ICT skills for peace projects platform with three main lines of action:

  • Training contents and specific Methodologies using ICTs for the promotion of Peace and the inclusion of young people in situations of disadvantage
  • Raise awareness on the the SDGs, specifically the 16th Sustainable Development Goal of the Agenda 2030, “Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions”
  • Inclusion of projects created through the training materials, This section will showcase selected projects created by the participants receiving the training in each country

The consortium is made up of 6 organizations from Spain, Cyprus, Italy, Belgium and Austria with experience in working with young people and in developing projects focused on training and the creation of open educational resources to achieve the promotion of a culture of peace and the goals of the Agenda 2030. Fundación Cibervoluntarios, in Spain, is the coordinator of the project and brings the experience of the previous European project and the promotion of Peace Values through ICTs. The other partners are Fundación Culture of Peace, Seal Cyprus, CONNEX-EU, Associazione Coopisa and Vienna Association of Education Volunteers (VAEV).

Main goals of the project:

  • To raise awareness on the problems and issues that young migrants and refugees, and how ICTs can help to solve them.
  • To involve Youth in the Sustainable Development Goals’ achievement, through the acquisition of skills and competencies in social innovation processes linked with social entrepreneurship.
  • To generate communication networks and support for the achievement of social projects.
  • To train and promote horizontal and proactive youth participation, fostering the critical thinking.
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