Learning to effectively engage and coach Volunteers among youngsters

Project number: 2021-1-FR02-KA220-YOU-00028865

The VOLUME project aims to foster the active participation of youth (between 18 – 29 years) at community level, utilising volunteering as a vehicle. This will be pursued through a user-led approach and by developing a capacity building programme and respective tools tailored to the specific needs of this target group. High quality preselected informal learning content will be developed, which will equip young people and professionals working with them with key personal, professional and technical competences and crosscutting common values. Therefore, the main project target group considers young adults wishing to be engaged in volunteering actions while a secondary target group includes professionals working with volunteers, policy makers and civil society actors.

Project Objectives

  • Creating an environment that accelerates the access to high quality informal training for youth volunteers, locally and globally;
  • Exposing youth volunteers, educators and professionals working with volunteers to high quality preselected informal learning content for personal development;
  • Preparing youth volunteers for professional skills through electronic and physical informal learning materials; online discussion boards, and webinars by well-known influencers and specialists

Goal of The Project

The project’s ultimate goal is to foster the active participation of youth (coming mainly from disadvantaged backgrounds) at community level, utilizing volunteering as vehicle

Target Group

The main project target group (and end beneficiaries) is young adults wishing to take part in volunteering activities

Secondary target groups include:

Professionals working with volunteers

NGOs, CSOs, recipient communities in the partner countries, educational and training institutions in partner countries providing similar curricula, authorities at national and EU level responsible for youth integration / social integration of disadvantaged communities / fostering youth employability etc (secondary target groups)


Pistes Solidaires (France)

European Partnerships Promoting Social Inclusion (Ireland)

Vienna Association Of Education Volunteers (Austria)

Buyuk Ortadogu Saglik Ve Egitim Vakfi (Turkey)

Symplexis (Greece)

Hip – Hub For Innovation Policy S.R.L (Romania)

Research And Education Of Social Empowerment And Transformati On-reset Ltd (Cyprus)

Social Media

Website: https://www.projectvolume.eu/index.php/en/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/volume-youth/?viewAsMember=true

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