Re-Cultural Heritage

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Re-Cultural Heritage

Reviving of Cultural Heritage: Social and Economic Empowerment of Rural Areas

Project number: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-ADU-000026494

Re-Cultural Heritage project seeks to improve the cohesion of the local communities through educational paths that support the personal development of specialists, citizens and minorities towards employment and labor market integration. Furthermore, the intent is to build a strategy of economic and employment development linked to quality tourism and to underline the role that a proper appreciation of cultural heritage can play in the economic regional development.

Project Objectives

  1. Promoting quality tourism that respects the local population, fights the depopulation of villages and promotes urban regeneration activities in the medium and long term adapting employment opportunities to the post-Covid-19 demand.
  2. Increasing adults competencies related to job profiles in the social, touristic and artistic sector, especially enhancing the participation of vulnerable groups.
  3. Increasing the sense of inheritance and preservation of historical values.

Project Result

PR1: European Framework Basic Skills Handbook

Regenerating and Managing Rural Heritage Handbook for Administrators and Stakeholder. This result is intended to lay common bases for the administrations in the management of artistic and landscape heritage in order to activate training programs that alternate training and qualification with productive work

PR2: Online Learning Platform

This result aims to provide a wide range of training contents and courses, tailor-made for different users and different targets by the creation of an online platform. The platform will be multi-functional, interactive and user-friendly. In this way the educational training will be ensured through active participations and exchange of good practices.

PR3: Assessment Nationals Reports and Dissemination

The main aim of this project result is to carry out a research of the potential impact of historical heritage and restoration in rural areas. The investigation will examine the outcomes in the economic, tourist and artistic fields in order to establish an employment plan to relocate young, adults and minorities.


●     Fundación Santa María de Albarracín

  • Alternative Innovative Development (A.I.D.)
  • Gestión Estratégica e Innovación (GEINNOVA)

●     IGEA

  • Univerzita Mateja Bela V Banskej Bystrici (UMB)
  • Vienna Association of Education Volunteers (VAEV)

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