Neutral Schools


NEUTRAL SCHOOLS: Innovation and School Action for a Carbon-Neutral Future

Project number: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000088781

Main aim: It is aimed at supporting educators in teaching and learning the complex scientific and technical aspects of combating climate change and striving for a climate-neutral future. This project is part of the ERASMUS+ program, which is the program of the European Union that supports education, training, youth, and sports. For the 2021-2027 period, the program places special emphasis on social inclusion, ecological and digital transitions, and promoting the involvement of young people in democratic life.

NEUTRAL-SCHOOLS is an innovation project in the field of school education with the goal of supporting teaching professionals by enhancing their training in key issues related to climate change and sustainable development. It adopts an integrated educational approach to science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (i-STEAM), which recognizes the role of the arts in expanding the horizons of science (bringing greater creativity, critical thinking, communication skills, and collaboration for action). Although i-STEAM is a growing educational trend, it is still relatively new and, therefore, somewhat immature in terms of theoretical and practical aspects.

Furthermore, NEUTRAL-SCHOOLS aims to integrate the Service-Learning (SL) methodology, which is based on direct and practical action within the students’ environmental and cultural context.

Various actions will be undertaken to engage schools in disseminating information about the necessary changes for developing knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to climate change and sustainable development. The project will also provide support materials and facilitate the exchange of best practices among different schools and countries within the EU.

Target group: The recipients are primary and secondary school teachers, and indirectly the students and the rest of the educational community, as well as the communities for whom they are a catalyst for change in their own environment.


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