
Community Media for E-Volunteering on Climate Change
Project No:2021-1-ES01-KA220-ADU-000026310
ECO-MEDIA project will increase digital skills and community media literacy amongst professionals working with youth and raise awareness of climate change through the engagement of youth in e-volunteering activities and activism, using community media as an innovative tool, developing an ad-hoc e-learning platform
Project Objectives:
- train professionals working with young people in using community media as a tool to enhance the quality of their work
- improve the competencies of youth workers, empower the young audience, and vehicle important messages
- raise awareness on volunteering approaches.
Project results:
R1: Descriptive Map of Community Media Approaches for Digital Youth Work
The R1 aims to lay the foundation for a more comprehensive understanding of youth work in the frame of community media and digital methodologies.
It constitutes the frame of the following project results and will be strongly based on the assumption that digital youth work should be incorporated into youth workers’ training and on the fact that the structure, methods and communication channels of youth work should adapt to the digital world: it should use technology and pedagogical practices to increase access and help young people cope with digital means
R2: Toolkit on Climate Change
The toolkit will: Achieve greater knowledge regarding the most recent European policies and strategies regarding climate change, in the frame of e-volunteering and digital activism.
Develop strategies to improve youth work and young people’s engagement in the scope of climate change and social responsibility.
R3: Youth Work and Young Engagement in the Scope of Climate Change
The R3 represents the structure and the content of the e-learning platform.
R4: ECO-Media E-Learning Platform
The platform aims at training 90 youth workers/professionals working with youth/mentors/tutors/school guides and 150 young volunteers in the partner countries.
The platform will include:
- User-free registration system, divided into two separate entries, one for the youth workers (who will be able to access all of the 9 training units) and one for the young people, potential e-volunteers and digital activists (who will access their dedicated 6 units);
- Digital toolkit on digital youth work in the scope of climate change (R2);
- Digital animations, video, for the correct usage of the platform
- Forum
Target group:
- Youth workers of NGOs, youth centres and foundations (≥ 5)
- Social workers and school guides, from high schools (≥ 5)
- Mentors, tutors and professionals from organisations working with youth (≥ 5)
The total of participants will be 90 (15 from each partner country)
Beneficiaries of the project:
- Social and youth workers,
- School guides;
- Education/training organizations, NGOs and institutes, VET centers
- Local authorities and policymakers
- Professionals working with youth
Wisefour Innovation and Development Organisation Ltd, Cyprus
Vienna Association of Education Volunteers, Austria
Kestävän Kehityksen Instituuttiry, Finland
Social Media
Facebook :
YouTube: @eco-mediaproject6037