DISAWORK Multiplier Event in Vienna


DISAWORK Multiplier Event in Vienna

Learn more about the Development and Implementation of a Social Emotional Approach to the Workplace!

➡ We are delighted to invite you to the final event of the #DISAWORK project. Since January 2021 VAEV has been working with partners from Greece, Italy, Spain and Romania to best implement the project to enhance emotional intelligence in the workplace. During the last two years of collaboration, the consortium has worked together to develop new techniques related to the skills of EI for entrepreneurs, managers and companies, as well as employees and workers.
➡ The project has realized three outputs:
? EMOJOBS, a map of 10 emotional intelligence skills and a self-evaluation tool;
? a TRAINING SYSTEM developed in an online platform;
? EMOTION FOR SUCCESS, a collection of 30 case studies related to the topic in 5 partner countries.
➡ We would like to present you our findings and discuss together the benefits of EI in the workplace.

? Join us on 30 November 2022 at Mariahilferstrasse 84, 4th floor. 13.00 hrs.

? Learn more about DISAWORK. Visit our website: https://disawork.eu/
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