Brand me project: skills for youth

Brand Me Project (BAM) brings together 6 partners, consisting of the organisations Associação VR de Marketing (Portugal), Innovation Education Lab (Romania), Efektas Group (Lithuania),
garagErasmus Foundation (Italy), VAEV (Austria), and INDEPCIE (Spain) have joined efforts to train youth workers and NEETs (Not in Employment, Education or Training) in the field of
personal branding through materials, resources and educational tools created based on the needs identified by the project.

BAM Report is the first result of the Brand Me Project, and therefore its main objective is to define and identify the 12 training needs of young people (aged 15-29)  in terms of employment, personal branding, professionalism, development, and labour market for the subsequent development of educational materials and resources.

In order to produce the present document, a compilation of the 6 national reports has been carried out and a transnational report has been created, gathering the summarised and cross-checked results of a total of 247 participants among the six national surveys, thus identifying the 12 shared training skills of the Brand Me project.

Do you want to find out which skills are deemed essential for youth to succeed in personal branding?
Check out the Austrian National Report



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