AGDISTIS Kick-off Meeting
AGDISTIS: Emotional Intelligence and Intervention of Non-Normative Behaviour and Gender Bullying project is starting!
We held the first kick-off meeting of the project yesterday. To explain briefly: Gender-based bullying is a type of bullying whose main cause is related to one of the axes that cut across gender: gender expression, gender identity, sexual orientation and even corporeality and biology.
And so #AGDISTIS aims to enter into this reality and wants to help teachers to develop and cope with non-normative gender behaviour.
A total of 6 countries from 4 countries are participating in the project!
As teams from Spain, Turkey, Italy, and Austria, we represent four different education systems and 4 different cultures.
Follow us for more information!

#erasmus #erasmus #agdistis #genderbullying #emotionalintelligence #EI #violence #LGBTI #sexualorientation #genderidentity