Free Public Spaces: Women’s empowerment against sexist harassment in public space


Free Public Spaces: Women’s empowerment against sexist harassment in public space


#FreePublicSpaces (FPS) consortium came together in a fruitful online kick-off meeting. The partners got to know each other and discussed their responsibilities during the meeting. After a comprehensive meeting, many issues such as budget, work packages, pending tasks, new suggestions, promotion, and future meetings were clarified. The first face-to-face meeting of the project will take place on 21-22 June 2023 in the beautiful city of Cordoba, Spain.

We look forward to working with expert partners in this interesting project!

FPS will promote social inclusion and aim at improving the outreach women with any potential source of discrimination in their personal and professional life, paying special attention to the public spaces. We understand public spaces as the setting for social interaction that brings together material and tangible functions, as it is the physical support for activities aimed at satisfying collective urban needs that transcend the limits of individual interests to become a common and
collective space.
Also, FPS focuses on achieving learning and developing attitudes and skills of inclusion and respect for diversity. The project will work against gender stereotypes, supporting people in the acquisition and development of basic skills, to eliminate discrimination, inequality or exclusion, which women suffer in the EU due to the existence of gender roles and stereotypes.

#erasmusplus #inclusion #genderstereotypes #basicskills #genderstudies #FPS






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